Sunday, December 11, 2005

self validation

him: do you have a blog?
me: er... no (!)
him: yeah, i didnt think you were the kind of guy who needs external validation
me: er... no (?)


mmonk said...

first answer is a lie...

second answer is a denial?

simplemortel said...

yes i lied. answering yes would have meant answering too many questions, why what when where who, and we were running late... i know its lame!
i think 'he' meant that there there are people who always tend to seek some sort of approval whether online or in real life, and those who don't. in that sense i guess he was right, i do listen to other people's opinions but i have my own! my 'sources' of self-validation obviously include my friends amongst other people, but not exclusively!
does that make sense?

chrisana said...

but blogs are just so self gratifying...

Vera said...

i love how blogging is this secretive thing that a lot of people do... sometimes i slip and let out in some way or form that i am a "blogger" *GASP* and then i get that "head-tilted-to-the-side-stare" then the inevitable "what's your blog address?" uhmmm, errrr, oooo! Look! Cotton Candy!
fun stuff!
i've enjoyed what i have read so far...